The Dynamic Resilience Portfolio consists of 4 USD-denominated ETFs that allow you to gain exposure to the 4 major asset classes:
Equities (SPY US)
Bonds (TLT US)
Gold (GLD US)
Commodities (DBC US)
These ETFs have been chosen for their low costs and high liquidity as well as their high diversification potential. Of course, larger portfolios can benefit from adding more ETFs (e.g. different equity markets, more fine grained commodities, etc.), however, we wanted to make Dynamic Resilience accessible to everyone and these 4 ETFs allow small as well as large portfolios to participate and benefit.
A few points that need to be mentioned:
These ETFs are denominated in USD. If USD is not your native currency, the currency conversion rate needs to be factored in.
Equities and bonds are US focused. While US equities make up a large part of the world equity market and therefore are a good proxy for the world economy, you might want to consider bonds issued in your native currency if it is not the USD.
If you do not like our ETF selection you can always replace these ETFs with corresponding ones that you like more. The ETF world is a dynamic place and better offerings are created all the time. The signals will still be absolutely valid.
Our signals should be regarded as optimal asset class exposures rather than signals for specific ETFs. Even replacing the S&P 500 with a MSCI World ETF will not invalidate the signals. However, signals for larger portfolios as well as portfolios focusing on different parts of the world (e.g. Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, Australia) as well as crypto focused portfolios are on our roadmap. Drop us a line, if you have any questions or suggestions.