About Dynamic Resilience
Dynamic Resilience is the future of personal investing and saving. A diversified portfolio that is able to withstand any storm and that adapts dynamically to the current market environment. Get access to the real-time model portfolio developed by Z22 Technologies, a quantitative hedge fund in Switzerland, and lift your personal investing to the next level.

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Why Dynamic Resilience
Most investors’ portfolios have a major problem. They are not diversified. That is because most investors are only investing in stocks. Even broad stock indices do not offer real diversification. True diversification needs something else.

Too little diversification? Why is that?
Even if a portfolio contains hundreds of stocks from different countries and sectors, it is not really diversified. The reason for that is that all stocks have something in common. This something is called the equity risk factor. Think of it as a premium that you get when you choose to invest in stocks instead of just holding your cash at a bank.
Even though companies can be very different to each other, they are all exposed to a number of common risks. Especially in a globalized world like today, business cycles, rising and falling interest rates, employment rates, etc. are synchronized in many countries. When the US stock market is crashing, it is very likely that other major stock markets are crashing as well.
Global crises, pandemics, everything affects stocks everywhere in the world. In more scientific terms, stocks are usually very highly correlated between each other.
So, no matter how many stocks you buy, you will not be able to get rid of these fundamental risks.

Different assets, different risks
Some investors hold bonds in addition to stocks, which is definitely an improvement. Bonds are subject to different risks than stocks and therefore add real diversification to a portfolio. However, usually the bond allocation is too small to make an impact.
But even stocks and bonds are not enough. There are times when both suffer. During periods of high inflation und a stagnating economy, like we have witnessed in 2022 and many times before in the last century, neither stocks nor bonds offer protection for your portfolio.
For these periods of uncertainty, we need to look at other asset classes such as commodities, gold or cash. A stable portfolio needs to have allocations in each of those asset classes in order to be truly diversified.
This is what Dynamic Resilience gives you. A dynamic portfolio that invests in each of those asset classes to excel in any market environment. A true all-weather solution for your investments.
The Solution - Dynamic Resilience
A stable and resilient investment portfolio needs to have allocations in all of the aforementioned asset classes. However, choosing the correct allocation to each is a very intricate problem. To address this issue, we have developed an algorithm that does exactly this for you. It balances risk, assesses the current market environment and generates the most optimal portfolio for you.
We have decades of experience in creating forecasting models for most liquid markets and asset classes in the world. We were thinking how we could make these algorithms available to the general public in the most efficient way. Setting up funds or ETFs usually involves a lot of costs which are ultimately paid by the investor. Furthermore, different jurisdictions require different structures, bank accounts, etc.
Therefore, we decided to offer access to our model portfolio in the form of a monthly subscription. Every subscriber can follow the model portfolio and is alerted to changes in its composition. Then, each investors can decide themselves if and how they want to implement these signals. Whether they just want to look at them to inform their own trading, implement them in a paper trading account to get more comfortable with them or immediately replicate them in their portfolio, is up to everyone themselves.
Stop obsessing about what to buy and what to sell. With Dynamic Resilience you get everything you need to manage your investments. Better performance and less stress.